Wednesday, April 14, 2010

24 Inch Set Perfect For Outdoor Game

Enjoy your holiday at house and spend more time at your garden area is is exciting activities to relax and more efficient because it does not need to spend a lot of money to travel outside. You just need some interesting activity and invite some friends or neighbour to join with you. Think about outdoor chess game. It will be your great game in your holiday and use giant chess to coomplete your outdoor chess game.

Just has show in the picture above. Those are 24 inch chess pieces which put at garden area and use for outdoor chess. It has supported with suitable board for the pieces, so that the player have already to play the game. Those are durable product for outdoor use, because those have made of best quality of Teak wood which has known as the strongest wood in any seasons, so it safe for you to left it outdoor for months.

For more info, please visit


Wooden Giant Chess by Chess Manufacturer